Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 1: International Congress (Ilana Golzman)

August 1, 2013
Blog Author: Ilana Golzman

Starting the first official full day of International Congress 2013 was like opening the first page to a chapter of a book after getting past the prologue. You get a brief introduction to the characters and the story that is about to unfold but now you finally dive into the intriguing plot. After a great breakfast we began our day with a continuation to the activity called ‘Journey of a People - Part B’. After exploring the history of the Jewish people from centuries ago (yesterday), Part B of this unit focused on more recent history of the Jewish people. This really helped our tribe notice repetitive patterns in the experiences of our people, understand why Jews are dispersed the way they are today, and made what seemed to be ancient and unfamiliar history much more relatable. Next we were fortunate enough to listen to an incredible guest speaker, Avraham Infeld, about Jewish peoplehood, the 5 legs that hold the table of Judaism up, and their importance (presented to us in a very interesting and humorous manner). We got time to process the strong points and rich material that Avraham Infeld gave us during our lunch break and relaxing pool time. 

The day continued with an activity called ‘Looking Kadima’ (literally, 'looking forward') lead by two junior counsellors which helped us reflect on the lecture and learn how to further apply this information and use it for deeper analysis of our life and what being Jewish means to each one of us. Later on, all of the Jewish Diller Teen Fellow teens from eight different North American cities had the pleasure to be the audience of an artistic, musical, and meaningful cultural evening with Robbie Gingrass. This talented individual was able to communicate to us the concept of Israel’s flaws and why people decide to live ‘b'eretz Israel’ through live music, story telling, and impersonations. After this amusing event we split into our tribes to discuss one of the songs called ‘Rak Po’ (also known as ‘Only here’) that was sung to us by Robbie Gingrass (originally by Hadag Nachash). This lead us into an interesting discussion about the meaning of the cultural evening and what we find special about the place we live in. To end the day off, each city cohort met for their ma'agal lilah (night circle) and we then got to go meet with one another and experience different North American Jewish life face to face under the famous Diller White Tent.

July 31: North American Kennes (Karin Kazakevich)

July 31, 2013
Blog Author: Karin Kazakevich

Think back to when you were an exuberant and curious child. Do you remember the shrill of excitement that ran down your spine the night before Hanukkah? Or can you recall checking each day on the calendar before Purim because you were eager to wear your costume and celebrate? Well, while the end of the North American Kennes would seem presumably upsetting, it is undeniable that this morning there was no greater force felt than the sheer power of anticipation that filled the air of Givat Haviva. After an early breakfast the North American cohorts sat waiting anxiously for their Israeli counterparts to come the same way you would wait for a close relative at the Arrivals section of the airport. Indeed, the yelling, cheering, hugs, tears of joy, and more that all the Diller Teen Fellows felt was parallel to finally spotting dear “Saba and Safta” as they come through those familiar doors ready for their usual visit. Although it has only been [barely] two days without the Israelis, the feelings in our Toronto cohort were unanimous; we missed them more than a child misses their favourite toy. Indeed, having finally reunited with our other half was incredible and what was just North American Keenness had magically transformed overnight to the Diller International Congress. Perhaps that’s a major part that I haven’t yet touched on, the incredible fact that there are currently Diller Teen Fellows from 16 Israeli and North American cities and that have finally all been united. Right down to the roots, we’ve been on the same journey and with the opening ceremony led by Tal Gale and Liat Cohen-Raviv, it is impossible to ignore the overwhelming sense of community and even more importantly, the true sensation of unity between the fellows.

After the opening ceremony, a handful of Israelis from all over Israel (including places like Upper Galilee, Haifa, Bash Banash, and more!) joined our respectfully named tribes as we started another round of [literal] “icebreakers” (No really, one of our “Getting to know you” games including breaking a huge block of ice, and it was totally awesome) After this we started into what I can now call the beginning of our intellectual journey on the topic of Jewry and looking back on it, we had no idea how stimulating and eye-opening the next couple of discussions were going to be. As mentioned in the previous blog, the incredible speaker Avraham Infeld mentioned the 5 legs of the Jewish table and our next few units including looking at the legs in depth. Over the course of the afternoon and evening we studied two in specific detail, Family and Covenant, and what they meant to the world of Jewry and more importantly, to ourselves. From sharing rich family history to debating the story of Mt. Sinai the discussions that were led today were streamlined through a highly intellectual and thought provoking process that I see as very unique to Diller itself. Nothing about these units seems prescribed but rather, the fellows are free to interpret them as they please which is perhaps one of the most valuable facets of the program. After the nightly “Magal Laila” with the Toronto team, it was time to have fun and let loose at White Tent after such an exhausting [mentally just as much as physically] day. Congress itself is like nothing we could have imagined but equally, we really can’t imagine ourselves anywhere but here.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 30: North American "Kennes"/Conference (Alex Good)

July 30, 2013
Blog Author: Alex Good

Unfortunately like all things good, our incredible community week in Eilat/Eilot came to an end today as we boarded a mini bus that took us to the North American "Kennes"(Hebrew for 'conference'). Upon arrival at Givat Haviva, we were given a tour of the grounds before being broken into new groups (tribes) that we would spend the week with - each with representation from all Diller cities! 

Then the opening ceremony took place, led by the Junior Counsellor team. Each city performed a 90 second skit to introduce the other fellows to their home cities. We then met our tribes, which consist of one or two teens from each Diller North American city. Following dinner we had our first session where we learned about the history of the Jewish people as well as the division of the Jews in the diaspora. Before heading to sleep we had free time and began making new friends and meeting so many teens from all across North America. I am really looking forward to the rest of the Kennes/Congress and meeting so many new and amazing people -- and making memories that will last forever!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Identity Week: Glimpse of Community Week Impact (Hanna Unger)

Blog Author: Hanna Unger

What does it mean to have an identity?
That's the question that surfs in the waves of my mind as I commence to write this blog post. I am not talking about your religion, or your culture. Not your gender or your future job. I'm talking about YOU.

We speak our minds, but rarely know why we individually think a certain way. It's not the way we were raised, or the education we received as children and teenagers. It's us ultimately.

This week, we spent our days with our favourite and most amazing group in whole wide world: the Eilat - Eilot Diller Teen Fellows. Just like in the North American seminar, we connected in a blink of an eye. And I found my identity at the same speed, too.

You see, I moved to Canada 9 years ago from the wonderful city of Ashdod. And every since that day, I continued to be a proud "zaberit". I ate my falafels and hummus (but I still had my fair share of my maple syrup). My Hebrew continued to exit my lips. In fact, knowing Hebrew and Russian was probably one of the most significant things that stayed with me throughout the years, because if you don't speak one or two of those languages at my school, you would probably be missing out on many conversations.

I found myself this week with the Israelis. I laughed with them in Israeli humour, and I bonded with them in a way that was so rare to me. I was with the people who share my common ground, and part of my identity. I shared my deepest secrets to my closest Israeli friend, who to me is like a sister I have always wanted, and when the whole group sat today for the final "ma'agal", we all shared our love for everyone in this group. We connected as one.

Looking around the "ma'agal", I knew right away what my identity was: indescribable, because your identity cannot be described. It is not the fact that I'm israeli, or that I like to write. It is not the fact that I would rather wear high heel boots than any other shoe. It was just me. Hanna Unger, and I need to respect that.

So when I was asked by an Israeli "how do you speak Hebrew at home if you moved 9 years ago from Israel?", I answered "because your identity does not change once you move a country... It never does". Yes you could change your name, or get a new passport, but who you are will never change. It is you, breathing every second, and every day.
I will always be me. I am the 4 year old girl who ran around in the streets of Ashdod. I am the 6 year old girl who only found I was moving to Toronto. I am the 12 year old girl who realized what reality really is. And I am that 15 year old girl who is going into grade 11. I am the same girl, only older. I will carry my background with me my whole life. I am a proud maple syrup dripping Canadian, and a hummus loving Israeli born girl. I will be Jewish, and forever a zabarit. I will love Israel as much as I adore the incredible country of Canads. Those facts are the flowers around my identity that I have grown throughout this week.

As we say farewell today to our Eilat-Eilot families, we will feel a massive thrust in our hearts, because we will feel like a part of us will be left here in Eilat. We may not come back ever, or come visit ever couple of years. Yet, what we must never forget that the flowers around are identity will continue to blossom and bloom even when we leave. The memories that we made here in Eilat will never leave us. They are now part of our identity, and no matter what; the places you go, the people you meet, the things you learn; your identity will always be there. It will hold your hand and never leave. You are you.

July 28: Time to Give Back (Gabi Herman)

July 28, 2013
Blog Author: Gabi Herman

 Watching old episodes of Friends at weird times of the day has always been a part of my life in Canada, but I did not expect it to be in Israel. I keep turning on the TV just to see what this country is watching, and she seems to be watching the same outdated (but still funny) comedy. Friends fosters mutual understanding, friendship, and easy entertainment for Israelis and North Americans alike. Of course, I write this a little bit tongue-in-cheek; the number of deep, Friends-less connections I've been privileged to make so far with Jewish people of all backgrounds is extraordinary. Today, on our day of volunteering, our cohort got to connect on this deep level with some very unique people, learning about each other and hopefully adding to each others' lives. 

The first place we went to volunteer was called Yad Rojeh. Yad Rojeh is an organization which provides work and support to adults with developmental disabilities – they called them "anashim meyuchadim," or "special people." Yad Rojeh needed help painting their fence, and also invited us to sit with the people there and help them with their work. Back in Toronto I work with people with special needs, so this was exciting to me. After painting for a little bit, I went inside one of their rooms for working. With my mediocre Hebrew, I tried my best to introduce myself to the people present, and then sat down beside a woman who looked to be in her 20's. She was folding labels for date boxes, so I joined in and helped. As we folded, we chatted about basic things: pets, music, and the weather in Canada. There was beautiful art made by the people at Yad Rojeh all over the walls. By the end of our time there, I gained more than a few extra words of Hebrew. I gained the experience of doing a job which I'm already passionate about in Canada in Israel, too. I am pretty sure that the people at Yad Rojeh gained something as well. We departed with hugs, and went to our next location.

We had lunch in Potchim Atid's cozy facility. Singing, reminders to drink water, and cat naps followed. At last, we got to hear about the organization from a staff member. Potchim Atid (opening the future) does just that for children who are at risk. Throughout the year, children are paired with advisors, and meet them at least weekly for support. Over the summer, Potchim Atid runs a summer camp in the late afternoon to give the children something to do in a supportive environment. Diller's job today was to act as their counselors, with activities we had planned and would execute. We set up the activities swiftly, and waited for the children to arrive. They came noisily. Once they were divided into their groups, I tried my best to get to know the kids in mine. Using so-so Hebrew again, I noticed how nonjudgmental they were of my accent and linguistic faux-pas. In fact, I seemed to be making friends with my babbling. We ran around from station to station (with water breaks!) for a long time. Suddenly, the end of the day came. The children thanked us loudly. I received a lot of hugs. Before Diller left the camp, we presented Potchim Atid with backpacks and school supplies in order to help equip children for the school year. 

A common vein I noticed throughout today was how wherever we went, we seemed to make connections. Through talking to the people we were helping, even about TV shows like Friends, we established a common ground. The volunteering made it actually meaningful with the beauty of lending a hand. Today, more than ever, I felt a sense of international cooperation and comradeship. Diller is truly giving back; we're getting a lot, too.

(click on the images below to make them bigger)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 27: Typical Shabbat in Eilat (Jonah Buckstein)

July 27, 2013
Blog Author: Jonah Buckstein

As I woke up at 1030 saturday morning, following one of the best sleeps of my life, a strange thought occurred to me; this would be the first day that the group would not be together. Though initially disappointed to be separated from some of my best friends, the delicious smells coming from the kitchen of the upcoming breakfast soon washed it away. I was not to be disappointed as I was treated to freshly baked bourekas, three kinds of pasta,muesli and a variety of Israeli cheeses and salad. 

After being stuffed to the brim, it was decided that to avoid joining the Biggest Loser, some excersise was needed. That excersise came in the form of a two hour, 50 km bike ride in 45 Degrees heat. Despite being lathered with sunscreen, I was absolutely scorched (sorry, mom). To prevent a hospital visit, Sagi's (my host) mother broke off a branch from an aloe plant and lathered the green liquid all over body to assuage my stinging pain. We then entered a lagoon that was designated for birdwatching, and from there we proceeded to the beach, where we immediately dove in with our snorkelling gear. We saw some of the strangest fish, as well as the most beautiful reefs scattered across a half km sprawl along the ocean floor. 

At about 5 o'clock we returned home where Sagi's mom made shwarma from scratch for dinner. Sagis father then cut both Sagi's and my hair, and not surprisingly (as Israelis can do everything) he was an excellent barber. We finally made our way to Tomer's house for a reunion of both cohorts for a quick havdallah, and then we lay out on the grass, staff and fellows alike to watch one of the greatest movies of the modern century; "The Hebrew Hammer". 

Though it was one of the most hectic and action filled Shabbats in recent memory, the best part of it all was to be together as one family and just hang out in each others company. There was a true feeling of belonging and serenity, and it was in this moment that it was clear how profound an impact Diller has had on all of us. These lifelong friendships that we have forged is insane due to the fact that we had really only spent about two full weeks together over the course of the program. It was if our two groups, were tailored for one another to mesh together seamlessly. This was one of the most meaningful moment of the trip for me so far, on what has been a very special journey that is thankfully only halfway done. 

Love to all back home, and Shavua Tov!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 26: First Shabbat in Eilat (Kary Pelly)

July 26, 2013
Blog Author: Kary Pelly

Today was the second Shabbat in Israel with our group. We had an interesting day, following the theme of Judaism and Israel in Eilat. To start off the day, we had a cooking contest consisting of different cultural foods that are prepared in homes and restaurants throughout Israel. These delicious foods included falafel, churros, Israeli salad, pita and more. We were graciously hosted at Israeli Fellow Inbar's beautiful home.

Following this, we drove to the local Holocaust Education Centre in which we got the opportunity to learn Jacky's extraordinary Holocaust survival story. We got to see pictures and learn about his family and life. It was very meaningful and insightful because for some, it was their first time listening to a survivor. We learnt about the importance of remembering the Holocaust and the significance of Jacky's story. Next we continued our Jewish driven journey as we travelled to the Netzah Israel Synagogue and experienced a Rabbi's opinion on Judaism in Eliat in the past and present. Today proved to be a truly inspiring and wisdom filled day which was indeed a perfect precursor to the lovely Shabbat dinner and celebration that followed.

Friday, July 26, 2013

July 25: The Kibbutz Experience (Ted Berlovich)

July 25, 2013
Blog Author: Ted Berlovich

As another day in the Israeli Summer Experience has passed, I sit here recalling today's events. The clock slowly ticks as my eyelids become heavier and heavier. And yet, I still ache for what is to come tomorrow. These are the perfect signs that we had yet another successful day.

The day had started with a rather early wake up call, yet rewarded by the experience of a lifetime. The Diller team was honoured with the opportunity to learn about Eilat's interesting Naval Base. The Sargent of the base had prepared a unique presentation that informed us of the Navy's missions and objectives along with the importance of its existence. We learned that the Navy is responsible for the protection of Israel overseas and, in fact, that the sea is the larger border between Israel and its neighbouring countries.

Later this morning, we were driven to the Kibbutz Lotan. We learned that this Kibbutz believes in and commits to the preservation of nature and environmental sustainability. Throughout the tour of Kibbutz Lotan, we were shown how life is made possible for the Eco-friendly kibbutsnikim (Kibbutz members). From creating and learning about seed balls and mud bricks, to understanding how to build structures using the very same mud bricks, our group was inspired and very much interested in this unique way of life.

Upon finishing a delightful lunch hand made by the chefs of Kibbutz Lotan (using only ingredients found on the Kibbutz!), we made our way to the next Kibbutz: Yahel. Immediately we were greeted by a man named Ya-Ya. This aspiring Zionist had demonstrated an interesting perspective on Judaism. He had taught us about the innovation of Judaism over many years and he had also discussed the reformation of the Judaic ideals in the 21st century. Essentially, the strongly opinionated Ya-Ya had shared his perspective on Judaism and what being Jewish meant for him. Interestingly, the conversation had left many of us thinking about our own values, beliefs, and ideas of what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century.

To finish off the day we arrived our final Kibbutz: Ketura. Personally, I found this Kibbutz to be the most exciting and most pleasant to visit. I genuinely was able to connect and understand the ideals and methods of life of this particular Kibbutz. The most fascinating part of the experience was listening to the stories about the Kibbutz itself! The intense bond of the small community evidently demonstrated the rare and magnificent lifestyle of the day to day endeavors of a hardworking kibbutsnik. Plus, it was fairly appropriate, and necessary, to cool off in the community pool!

As this day came to end, so does this blog. Today's planned events, learning about an Eco-friendly lifestyle, a new vision for reforming Judaism in the 21st century, and the simple (yet laborious) daily life of a kibbutsnik, definitely sums as this day in our experience of a lifetime.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

July 24: How Far We've Come: Eilat (Hannah Safer-Spiro)

July 24, 2013
Blog Author: Hannah Safer-Spiro

After having breakfast with our Israeli families, we arrived to our meeting spot sleepy-eyed and ready to exchange stories of last night's adventures. Our Israeli leaders started the day off with exercises that left us feeling energized and ready for a fun filled day!

We began our day by the steps of the "Umrashrash" - the place where Eilat was conquered with an improvised flag consisting of a blue shirt and ink. There is a beautiful monument commemorating this moment in Israeli history. We separated into small groups around the monument and discussed our personal connections to Israel and how far each of us would go to protect our country. We talked about our experiences with the IDF and the Canadians specifically discussed its portrayal in the media back home. We were all posed with a very difficult question: if it was not mandatory, would you serve? And furthermore, for Canadians, is there any sense of obligation at all? It is these pressing questions that make the Diller Fellows experience so unique. To wrap up the discussion our Eilat-Eilot fellows prepared IDF 'dog tags' for us that proudly say "Diller Teen Fellows Toronto/Eilat-Eilot".

The afternoon was spent exploring the coral reefs and the peculiar inhabitants of the Read Sea - including sharks! Thankfully this exploration was done behind the safety of the glass exhibits at the famous Underwater Observatory. Our energetic guide was excited to unleash the secrets of the local sea including how the Toad Fish changes colours and how corals survive in nature. Moments later we got to witness the shark feeding - a slightly horrific yet unforgettable experience! We also learned about the imminent danger of extinction to the area's turtles and how something as simple as picking up our trash can ensure they don't mistakingly consume our refuse as a fatal meal. 

After a 4-D movie and a delicious Israeli lunch we headed over to the local University of Marine Biology, an institution that provides top opportunities for individuals to study marine life.

We then returned to our homes for a break from the schedule and naturally most of us headed right to the beach! We then all met again for an incredible private beach party on a secluded part of the beach: there was a full moon, music, dancing, lighting, and tons of amazing food that was being prepared by our group on the barbecue. (We must have consumed about 5 tons of hummus...) We danced to both Hebrew and English songs and taught each other some new dance moves.

It truly was another fabulous day in Eilat - full of adventure, smiles, laughter and meaning. 
Thank you Helen Diller for making this all possible. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 23: Toronto's Impact in Eilat-Eilot (Sabrina Craig)

July 23, 2013
Blog Author: Sabrina Craig

After a night of meeting parents and our first night at host homes, our group went to Yotvata and learned how Toronto was a partner in the development of Eilat's renewable energy initiatives. Then we proceeded to the local high school where some of the Eilat Diller Fellows attended. There we participated in various activities that showcased the school's unique renewable energy program. In the summer it serves as a learning center for such education and it was nice to discover that it was sponsored by the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. The group discussed how the heat and sun can help water heating and electricity and water systems.

From there we were picked up by all-terrain jeeps which climbed the Eilat through the mountains before stopping at an active copper quarry.This was probably my favourite part as I had found the most interesting copper rock specimens - I picked up a few cool rocks. The Jeeps dropped the group off at a specilized reserve IDF base in Eilat and were shown briefed on their missions and the tactics and measures in place to ensure civilian safety. We also got an exciting opportunity to pose with some very high tech (of course, unloaded) weapons.

The group then had lunch at the Eilat campus of Ben Gurion University. We were then whisked away to a VIP tour of the Yoseftal Hospital with Dr. Arad -- (Eilot Fellow, Nadav's father) the Head of the hospital. Our tour in the hospital included a briefing on Yoseftal's pressurized chamber treatments and a unique behind the scenes look at the new Emergency Department (currently under construction - see adjacent picture) - also sponsored by the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto! Dr. Arad was proud to announce that the new wing of the hospital would now have an ED with more than 8 in-patient beds and could now compfortably serve over 55000 patients in total per year.

For dinner the group had a Welcome Dinner with the Mayor of Eilat,  and the Ministry of Tourism for Israel, as well as the C.O.O of the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Charlene Arje. But by far my most favourite part of the day was after the formal dinner -- the pool party in the adjacent community pool! Overall an amazing day that showcased just how truly incredible the Toronto+Eilat/Eilot partnership really is!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 22: Dead Sea Sunrise (Hanna Unger)

July 22, 2013
Blog Author: Hanna Unger

Have you ever woken up at 4 in the morning while on vacation? Guess what, we have. You may think it is the most horrendous idea ever made on the surface of this earth, but you think wrong. As surprising as it sounds, waking up at 4 in the morning may be tiring, but it is worth the beautiful view of the sunrise once you climb the breath taking (literally) stairs.

As soon as the sun shined upon the Dead Sea, our sleepy eyes glowed back widely. It gave us a view of light in a different manner; obstacles end with amazing results. Afterwards, we walked through the mesmerizing village of Masada, and learned about King Herod and the rebellions that occurred while he was in power. King Herod (played by Alex, in full costume) gave us a surprise visit and killed his wife (Ilana) and kids (Ted and Jonah) right in front of our eyes. In addition, we also met a soldier named Theodorus Rockfellus The Fifth, who is an elite commander from a legion. It was an incredible experience.

After a nice breakfast at 8:30, we headed to the Dead Sea, where we drank smoothies and floated on the sea. It was extremely fun (and hot), and we enjoyed every second... until Pauline said goodbye to our group.

Pauline was our tour guide during the cross Israel trip, and as a cliche as it sounds, we couldn't have asked for a better guide. She was three women in one, which was a good addition to our two male madrihim. Her stories and questions did not only teach us new things we never knew, but they changed our view points on numerous topics. She herself is a true Diller. We will miss her greatly, and hope to see her again one day. Pauline, we send lots of love from the group!

Now, here comes the best part of the day. With our heavy suitcases and enthusiastic smiles, we got off on a parking lot of the municipal library, and had our favourite group of Dillers jump at us with excitment in Eilat! Parents, don't worry, they fed us! The families are all sweet and opened their arms to us in such warmth; we feel right at home! After making funny anthems in honour of community week, we were ready to start an active, awesome, educational, and bonding week in our beautiful partner city of Eilat-Eilot!

July 21: Touring Tel Aviv (Ilana Golzman)

July 21, 2013
Blog Author: Ilana Golzman

After an extremely interesting Shabbat in Safed and an outstanding Havdalla, our group woke up the next day, enjoyed our last breakfast in the beautiful city of Safed, and continued on our bus through the streets filled with the rich history of our people. We headed towards Tel-Aviv and the few hours spent on the bus was more than worth it. As soon as we arrived, we participated in an activity called "In Our Streets" (be'rehovot shelanu) that began on the ground where Itzhak Rabin was assassinated and learning about the symbolism of his memorial figure, the history of his political positions, the peace agreements he helped Israel create, and the controversy created by his work. Following this, we learned about key places in Tel-Aviv (like Rabin square) and the history of our nation through this exciting scavenger hunt through the city. Our group was divided into two teams, and by solving hints, interacting with the people of Tel-Aviv, and learning about each unique location, we made our way to our next destination. Not only did the scavenger hunt fill us with knowledge and understanding, but it created circumstances that required us to work together as a team, organize our time, and take on different roles of leadership in order to work efficiently, solve hints, and maximize our points by multitasking additional challenges! Once we completed our abridged version of The Amazing Race, we had time to go through some of the bazaar in Tel-Aviv and experience a completely different side of the city.

Before we made our way to the desert, we walked through Neve Tzedek and learned that this "Oasis of Justice" - the first area in which infrastructure outside of Jaffa began. This act initiated by three Jewish families started the expansion and great infrastructure of what we know today as Tel-Aviv.

Afterward another couple of hours on the bus, we arrived in Kfar Hanokdim. There we got to experience an exciting camel ride and overlook the beautiful hills of the desert illuminated by the warm Israeli sunset. Before our group bonfire beside our accommodating Bedouin tent, we visited with a real Bedouin and learned about this unique culture which so greatly differs from ours. After arriving in the desert of Kvar Hanokdim, I understood that whoever said the desert is vacant and empty was completely wrong; the desert is full in an abundance of opportunity to reflect and create new thoughts while being outside of the busy fast-paced city. After a heart-felt evening program (ma'agal lailah) we drifted off to sleep in our Bedouin tents for a short few hours before embarking on the hike up Massada...

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 20: Sensational Shabbat in Safed (Alex Good)

July 20, 2013
Blog Author: Alex Good

A Shabbat in Israel can be spent and observed in many ways and places across the beautiful country. Spending Shabbat in Safed, one of the holiest cities in Israel and filled with some of the richest Jewish history and culture was an extremely enlightening, beautiful and meaningful experience.

Mount Meron, the burial place of the famous Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai along with the beautiful landscape of the Gallilee was the first thing I saw upon opening my eyes shabbat morning and looking out the window. Hard boiled eggs, fruits, vegetables and cakes were served for breakfast before we began a program regarding Jewish identity on a balcony that overlooked the streets of Safed. The group was divided up, given 20 cards with different aspects of Judaism and had to narrow the cards down based on what makes up ones Jewish life as well as what will allow Judaism to continue down the road. This activity provoked incredible discussion and allowed me to really understand what aspects of Judaism have kept it from not falling off the map and what must be done in order to continue Jewish life in the years to come. Shabbat lunch followed with cholent, shnitzel, fish, challah and hummus.

On Shabbat afternoon we took a walking tour of the streets of Safed learning the ideas of Hasidim and Kabbalah as we visited special landmarks and synagogues along the way. For example, we visited the famous Shuls of the Haari, Rabbi Abohav and Rabbi Yosef Karo. To conclude shabbat we conducted a beautiful havdallah ceremony where we learned how each of our five senses are used. Finally, we went to Rosh Pina for dinner before heading back to the hotel for an early morning wake-up. The Shabbat that we had in Safed was like something I have never experienced before. Smelling, feeling and hearing all the aspects of Shabbat was something that I will remember for each and every Shabbat to come.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 19: Gorgeous Golan and Striking Safed (Karin Kazakevich)

July 19, 2013
Blog Author: Karin Kazakevich

There is truly no better Northern Israel experience than waking up to the sights of the magnificent hills of the Golan, and feeling the cool morning breeze as it wrestles with the hot Israeli sun. After a traditional Israeli breakfast of Shakshuka and much much more, we embarked on a short climb up Mt. Bental where the scenery genuinely stopped us in our tracks. There are truly no words to describe the unreal beauty of the sloping hills, endless valleys, and rich vegetation of the land near the Kineret; even the pictures can’t do them justice. Our fabulous tour guide, Pauline, poured her knowledge of this mystical land on us as we looked upon Syria and truly realized the reality of border life in Northern Israel.

After this experience, we were swept away to the incredible city of Qatrzrin to view an inspiring 4-D movie on the city as well as learn the fascinating history of its independence. I must say that this was personally the most gratifying part of my day as it opened the vital discussion of the possession of the Golan Heights as we engaged in a discussion surrounding the reasons for and against Israeli’s possession of this truly magnificent piece of land. After a heated discussion that covered all aspects including family, water, Syria’s co-operation, natural beauty, settlements and more, we sat united knowing that the much disputed Golan Heights are in the right hands. In the evening we finally retired to the mystifying city of Safed where we witnessed the amazing glass blowing art of the Safed artist Sheva; an undeniably inspiring and exceptional demonstration. 

Finally, we drove to the Ascent Guest House in Safed and after the girls led the traditional candle lighting rituals to bring in Shabbat, we were privileged to have Leibush lead us on a powerful and extraordinarily unique Kabbalistic walking tour around Safed. Indeed, the privilege of Kabbalat Shabbat in Safed is an experience that enhances the senses and reaffirms the genuine values of Judaism. No flashing lights or red carpets but instead, the true wisdom and heart of Judaism as well as the importance it puts on family, community, and ultimately, your choices as a person. Almost magically, the golden lights illuminated the light stones that craft the city of Safed and from seeing families on their way to Shul, the smells of Shabbat dinner floating through the air, to witnessing young boys singing Shabbat songs in the center of the city, the feeling of enchantment and Jewish unity filled our young Canadian hearts. 

To end of the night, we enjoyed a warm Shabbat dinner complete with freshly baked Challah. Finally we went to bed drained from a successful day and even better Shabbat and we were all truly excited for the days to follow. ☺

Thursday, July 18, 2013

(please pardon our delay in posting this blog entry, we were experiencing difficulties with our laptop connectivity)

July 18, 2013
Blog Post Author: Daniel Sourani

Dear Diller family and friends,

Our first day in Israel is just concluding – and what a day it was! We would love to share with you the amazing opening day of Diller Toronto Cohort 1’s Israel Summer Experience.

After a very pleasant flight from Toronto, our entire cohort was reunited at Ben Gurion airport. We shared a quick Aroma breakfast along our amazing tour guide, Pauline Kelif, our Diller Israel Experience staff, and our medic and guard who will be with our group until we reach Eilat next week.

After breakfast our group headed directly to Mount Arbel in the north of Israel where we held an official opening ceremony to our Israel Summer Experience with a L’chaim of local grape juice and a breathtaking view of the Sea of Galilee and its surroundings.

From there we continued to Majrese Nature Reserve where we went on a “water hike” – a refreshing trek through waist-high waters. As you can imagine, a friendly water fight ensued and once everyone was soaked and revived from the heat we enjoyed a nice picnic lunch in the forest.

We then continued to our accommodations in Tel Hai and showered and changed for our evening in Metula. Our evening began with a thorough history of Northern Israel and personal account of what life is like living on the borders of the country. We were then granted a unique opportunity to cross into the “free zone” between Israel and Lebanon and pick apples from the famous orchards that are maintained by both Israelis and Lebanese farmers – one of the most incredible and inspiring examples of cross-border relations and civilian-to-civilian peace.

After taking a bite into hope, we were invited to have a delicious home-cooked meal at the home of Diller Teen Fellows’ Founder and Director, Liat. We ate in Liat’s backyard which was overlooking the gorgeous backdrop of Metula and the border with Lebanon. Liat shared with us the challenges of living and raising a family in such a volatile place – a true insight into Israelis’ commitment to our country and its borders.

After a delicious dessert table and a group discussion recapping the things we saw and felt throughout the day we headed back to our Hostel for much needed sleep after a very intense first day!

Going forward, our blog posts will be written by one of our amazing Fellows!
We look forward to sharing our day with you tomorrow!
Laila tov from the Upper Galilee!

- Daniel and the Diller Toronto Team