Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Date: August 11, 2014
By: Naomi Benmergui

Dear family and friends,
It is hard to believe that our ISS has come to an end. This part of our Diller journey has been unforgettable and I am very fortunate and immensely thankful for the opportunity to be part of such an amazing program with such distinguished individuals. I believe that as a group we all had an unforgettable summer; one that was both fun and meaningful. We have not ceased to learn and grow (individually and collectively) throughout the year and in particular these past two weeks. We have shared in both joyous and tough times and from each experience we have come out stronger.

Before embarking on our journey we were all aware of the situation in Israel. We heard and read the news and we spoke to family and friends who live in Israel who related their thoughts and feelings on the situation. Together with global Jewry we prayed and hoped for peace, for the safety of our soldiers in the IDF, and for the return of normal life to all in Israel who are affected by the constant barrage of rockets. Before traveling to Israel, I doubted whether it was the right time to go, not the principles that guided me to wanting to go (the immense love and passion I have for Israel). However, after being there, I can confidently conclude that our Diller Toronto Cohort 2 made the BEST decision by going forward with our plans to travel to Israel. We were able to show our support and solidarity with our partner community, Eilat- Eillot. Throughout our stay, there was a noticeable difference in the country, places that would regularly be flooding with people (particularly in the summer) seemed rather deserted. From the moment we landed we noticed this change in Ben Gurion Airport, tourist spots in Eilat, Masada, and (shockingly) the Kotel. Unfortunately, the situation at the time has impacted the lives of both those who live in Israel and those abroad. It has punctured one of Israel’s largest summer industries, tourism. Whether it was during our community week in Eilat, our Shabbaton in Masada, or our stay in Jerusalem we heard from countless people how thankful they were that we came from Canada to ‘visit’ albeit the circumstances. This comment echoed through homes, streets, shops, and institutions where we volunteered. When I heard people say this I was astounded and somewhat distraught. My thoughts were that the ones that should be saying “thank you” is us. It is because of their sacrifices that we, in the Diaspora, could walk proudly as Jews. They live there protecting, safeguarding, and developing our homeland so that no matter what all Jews have a home. It was right then that I realized what a huge impact our Diller Toronto Cohort 2 had by solely being present. This is a lesson that I will cherish forever, showing support begins with presence. Whether that be physical or vocal, that is the first step in making a difference.

This trip to Israel is one that is unique. While strengthening our ties to our partner community of Eilat- Eillot, we worked towards accomplishing one of the goals of the Diller program and that is to establish a connection with the people in Israel. We were able to have meaningful conversations on important matters of community and Judaism which lead me to understand that despite our differences we are all Am Echad B’Lev Echad (one people with one heart). I hope that while all of us continue in our Diller journey we keep this in mind because as Hellen Diller said, “It's never too early, too late, or too often to make the world a better place” and I know that we have the power to do so.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to G-d for keeping us safe on our journey. I would also like to thank our parents for allowing us to go and for supporting us throughout with their endless encouragement. I know that for them it would have been easier if we would have all said that we did not want to go, but they were very happy that we unanimously agreed to go (despite the extra white hairs that they got from worrying!). Lastly, I want to extend a heartfelt appreciation to Daniel Sourani and Liav Peretz, our program coordinators, and to Raquel Binder, our incoming coordinator for Toronto for being our mentors, role models, and friends. Thank you also to the Helen Diller Foundation, the international Diller Teen Fellows team, and the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto for making this program possible and for facilitating the opportunity that we had this summer to have a safe and extremely insightful experience.
With wishes for the safe return of all of the members of the IDF and lasting peace in Israel!

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