Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 12: Emotional but Important

August 4, 2014
By: Leora Nash and Maya Bordan

We started off the day with a delightful breakfast before getting on the bus and heading for Yad Vashem. There, we split into two groups and had a guided tour with museum specialists. The tour focused a lot on teens and youth in the Holocaust, and our guide tried to relate the experiences to us as much as he could. After the tour we visited the children's memorial. This was especially emotional and touching, as many of us could picture this happen to children barely younger than us.

From there we had a quick lunch and walked over to Har Herzl where our guide, Ilan, gave us a tour of many important graves, including Yitzchak Rabin and Theodore Herzl. We also had the chance to visit the graves of fallen soldiers, specifically ones who have passed during the current operation in Gaza. We returned to the hostel where we had a program about Tisha Be'av with the executive director of Diller, Liat. Some Diller alumni joined us. This program opened our eyes to the meaning of Tisha Be'av and how it relates to our lives today. After dinner we walked to the tayelet to hear a beautiful Eicha led by our own JC, Gabi Herman. Overall, today was emotionally strenuous, but very important at the same time. Tomorrow we look forward to having a meaningful Tisha Be'av. Wishing everyone at home an easy fast and meaningful day.

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