Date: July 21, 2016
Author: Nicole Smith
Theme: Congress, Day 4

Today was the last day of Congress! In the morning we learned all about the many opportunities in Diller after we finish our fellowship. It was very inspiring and enlightening to know we can continue in such an amazing program. We also talked to past participants and asked them questions and learned about the amazing things they are doing now.
After lunch, we had a very thought provoking program on our Impact Projects. I p,ersonally, was inspired and got a general idea of what I want to do for my project. I now feel ready and excited to go back home and work on my project. After this we went back to our hotel and got ready for the closing ceremony and party! It was very bittersweet. It was so much fun to dance with all the friends from around I made during congress, but very sad to say goodbye to them. Overall, congress was a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget.